Googling around a bit, i found that it is not VTx that seems to be the problem here, but VTd, and it seems that this is indeed disabled (dmesg grep iE DMAR gives no output), but there is no separate option in the bios for VTd, only an option Intel Virtual Technology, which appears to only enable VTx05/08/19 · In this way, you can easily enter BIOS in Lenovo, HP, ASUS, Dell or any other PC #2 How to Enter BIOS Windows 10/8/7 by Using BIOS Key If you can hit the correct hotkey when the computer is powering on, you can also get into the BIOS menu Windows 10/8/7 Check the detailed instructions below You can start your computer, press and hold the correct hotkey before the16/05/18 · Lenovo – Enable VTx in BIOS Last updated on May 16, 18 Jollyexe Most probably you may have encountered VTx disabled issue during Android Emulator Installation VTx is Virtualization Technology which allows PC platforms to run multiple applications and operating systems simultaneously blah blah Youvcode Knowledge...